a World-Premiere Trance-formational Experience

The Universe has planned an extraordinary Reunion.

Here's Your Unique Invitation

Your soul knows why.

This Invitation is unlike any other you’ve received.

In fact, no one has received such an invitation. Ever. Until now.

Read it carefully.

Do you believe...

...in reincarnation and past lives?

...some people you meet in this life are ones you've encountered before?

...things happen for a reason?

... the Universe guides you through synchronicity & serendipity?

... certain meetings are destined to occur, some things are simply meant to be?

If you answered 'yes' to most of these questions, or if you simply feel drawn,

this Invitation is for you.

A Unique Reunion Retreat

We invite you to a gathering with people you may have met in your previous lives.

Remember, Recognise, Reconnect.

How will they know to come?

If the Universe communicates through synchronicity,

then just as you have found this Invitation,

they will too.

But, there's more...

Meeting ... You

This Reunion is also a chance to encounter... yourself.

Yes, yourself — the you from your other lives.

We offer you the extraordinary opportunity to experience your previous incarnations through past life regressions, guided by an internationally renowned expert in past life therapy.

Key Reunion Highlights

• Magical Reincarnation Parties

• Personal Past-Life Regression Sessions

• Exclusive Expert Presentations & Workshops

• Luxury 6 nights/7 days Retreat with all-inclusive accommodation

Check full details here and book.

Your Portal Awaits

This unique retreat takes place at The Portal Village - a gateway to different realms.

Pass Through The Portal

Delve into your past lives to transform your present and shape your future.

Discover a freer, deeper, and more authentic you.

Due to our commitment to providing an intimate, personalised experience, spaces are limited to

8 luxury bungalows.

Each of our bungalows serves as a gateway for profound transformation.

To secure your place, please complete the questionnaire below.


Due to the intimate nature of this retreat and high demand, we can only guarantee your place once your questionnaire is completed. The questionnaire holds your space for 24 hours while we review your application

Your Trance-formation Awaits.

Only 8 luxury bungalows exist.

Places are offered on a first-come, first-served basis.

The Reunion Package

7 Days of Self Discovery

15 - 21.03.2025

Single Occupancy: €2,400

Double Occupancy (couples or friends): €3,500


• 6 nights luxury accommodation

• Welcome and Farewell Reincarnation Celebrations

• Personal Past-Life Regression session

• Expert-led presentations & workshops

• Engaging group gatherings with mind-expanding experiences

• Opportunities to forge meaningful connections with kindred spirits

• Abundant time to reflect, rejuvenate, and reconnect with nature

• Full-board gourmet dining

• Access to all facilities and activities

• Integration materials and support

Your presence at this world-first gathering isn't by chance. The Universe has guided you here, to this moment, to this decision.

Trust your intuition.

This world-first gathering calls for those ready to remember, recognise, reconnect,

and trance-form.

Begin Your Journey.

Book now.
